Thursday, February 19, 2009

Established 1989

It is friendships, and people like Jessica Dawn Legault who help make life worth living. Throughout our 20 years of friendship, she has always been a huge part of me, and I love her.

Another person whom I am very thankful for:

This one is quite the special one, full of life and insane insight if you have the chance to really talk with her. Definetly a mood booster. Thank you Beaners!
A piece by Francis Bacon
Behold oldschool art of my own

Thursday, February 12, 2009




Wednesday, February 11, 2009

One of these things is not like the other


A first and foremost introduction to one of the many areas of my psyche. One of which many intend to ignore. Nonetheless, it is an important one. I think it's important to try and further your knowledge. If not, you become a stagnant lump of body tissue, never evolving, therefore, taking up more space than you should on this planet. Go out and learn something today, it will do you some good. Better yet, pick up a book other than a novel.
Some may wonder if I'm trying to support the idea of feminism, than why would I use an almost naked image of myself. Irony. Also, if this blog actually posted photos big enough on this page (click image to read), all the idiots drawn to the picture for its slut quality would be disarmed by its text, like a slap in the face. Hoo-rah.